This is Hector Jeminez's 24/7 chuch in
Buenos Aires Argentina.This church
has 9 services per day, and total of
18,000 per day. Starts at 6am, and goes
2 hr segments until midnight. The
Theatre seats, 2,000 people with the
balcony. Paul Crouch made it a TBN
partner. In one service, Miracles Today
had 50 deaf people healed in less than
20 minutes. Another time there was a
lady healed of two witherd hands. It
was a "Deluge of Miracles"!
Cloe Cabrara was my interpreter.
A few years before my first trip, it was
"TOMMY HICKS" That paved the way
for my ministry, and Hectors also.
| Hector Jimenez and Jim Wickham
Church is "La Roca", or the Rock.
Located on Rivedavia St. in Benos
Aries in Argentina. My first yr was
1989, and last was 1993, Had five
trips. 1,000's filled with the Spirit.
"Deluge of Miracles"
The president of Argentina, Mr.
Peron's State Blg was at the end
of this st. Rividavia, like "Broadway
in New York" where the Stage plays
were. His wife, had the famous play.
"Evita don't cry for me"